asp promo
Together with New Leaf Video, I developed this promo for ASP, a company focused on designed websites for events. The concept was born from a loose script, the vague idea of the small planet and a lot of creative freedom, which allowed us to explore different ways to communicate the key message, combining the aesthetic and iconography of the brand with the charm of the digital world we created for them.
During the development of the script and the storyboards, I proposed a series of visual concepts and additional characters that would add to the story. Although they weren't included in the final piece, I thought I'd showcase some of my favorite sketches, as well as an alternative proposal for the visual treatment.
At ASP they were so satisfied with the result that they incorporated the graphic elements into their branding, and they've used the starry sky, the character and the planet in events and in printed promotional material.
Design and animation by Ignacio Vega
Concept and production by Oliver Burton